A number of systems have been moved from locations elsewhere in the Oceanography Department (5th floor mini-server-closet near Ramzi's office ; Mini-Server-closet for LB/CMEP on second floor) into the POLAN server room. This move ensures that equipment is housed in an appropriate air-conditioned environment, and also brings the resources provided by these systems into a context where underutilized CPU cycles and storage capacity might be shared with other POLAN users.

The sum total of the equipment occupies just under "one rack" in the server room (provided with the equipment as part of the move), so there is some net gain to the POLAN server room in terms of immediately available rack space and UPS backed power.

The bulk of the physical move work was completed today, and final configuration details will be resolved in the next day or so. (This work is being performed by Jonathan Pye and Tim Chipman)